Magna was lying on a chaise longue.
Neat and clean designs for the chaise longue by Christophe Pillet: an open “S”, with an essential form.
Christophe PilletNouvelle Vague椅,简洁干净,开S形状体现出本质形体。
Oh, I'll stick to the chaise longue.
And a chaise longue is this long seat where you can stretch your legs horizontally, that's my sofa.
I particularly like that it's a chaise longue on one side where I can sit and stretch out my legs.
So, we say in Canada, we say " chaise longue" .
所以,我们在加拿大说, 我们说“躺椅” 。
'You will be more comfortable on the chaise longue.
In French, I'm sure it's " chaise longue" or something French, lots of French accents.
在法语中,我确定它是“躺椅” 或法语,很多法国口音。
Now, a chaise longue, as we say in English, is a chair, but it has room for your feet.
现在,贵妃椅,正如我们用英语所说的那样, 是一把椅子, 但它有你的脚的空间。
Mrs. Bradley, lying on a chaise longue, in a modish dressinggown that Elliott had insisted on giving her, was polishing her nails.
She worked the little packet open while Agnes sat daintily on the chaise longue, her long pale legs stretched demurely out to the side.
她打开小包, 艾格尼丝优雅地坐在躺椅上,修长的苍白双腿端庄地伸到一边。
The moment we got into the Ladies, she slumped onto the chaise longue in the corner and gestured to me to give her a cigarette.
我们一进女士区,她就倒在角落里的躺椅上, 示意我给她一支烟。
The two hooded men came up and sat down side by side on a dark red chaise longue that ran down the car opposite Bond.
两个戴兜帽的人走上前来, 并肩坐在一张深红色的躺椅上, 躺椅从邦德对的车厢延伸下来。
The old clothes were all very well if one spent the day on a chaise longue, but if one wants to get anything done, the new clothes are much better.
Hedonism is the philosophy of living your life to experience pleasure and avoid pain, so if you're watching this while lying on a chaise longue and eating sweets you're probably a hedonist.